Art History Lecture Series with Anne Connor: Anne's Treasures
The focus of this series is to examine different art treasures, artist and their history. Ann Treasures are presented in person only at 4:00pm, followed by Wine and Cheese.
$10 per lecture
Tuesday 4 –5pm
Holbein: The Ambassadors
Postponed new date coming soon
Apr 29 Delacroix: Arabs Skirmishing in the Mountains
Although Art is an expression that transcends religion, culture, country, people and time, the study of Art History is crucial to understanding Art, art movements, and culture in general. The enduring value of the past is, after all, the very basis of civilization, and to know the past certainly helps us understand the present. Who better than Anne Connor may help you navigate the stormy seas of Art History? Mrs. Connor has been teaching art history for over 20 years. She holds a Master's degree in Art History and is a former ASU professor. She also has been the president of the Friends of European Art at the Phoenix Art Museum, a special interest group that she founded in 1997. Anne Connor's lectures are both enjoyable and highly useful for those who want to grasp the significance and evolution of art from its origins to its complex contemporary manifestations. The Scottsdale Artists' School invites you to embark on an incredible journey of exploration and with the help of Anne Connor, hopes that you will discover or rediscover some amazing artistic treasures.