Scottsdale Trolley System
Want to connect to free transit?
Scottsdale has four trolley routes to help you get around town. The Scottsdale trolley system is free to ride and connects with Valley Metro's transit system giving you access to the greater Phoenix metro area. Whether you're running errands, shopping, going to one of our premier special events or heading across town, there's a trolley for you. Check out our updated (December 2017) trolley brochure or the Scottsdale Trolley page for more information.
Valley Metro Transit
Valley Metro , the Phoenix metro area’s regional public transit system, provides bus service to, through and from Scottsdale to and from other Valley communities.
View bus routes, schedules and maps
Explore valleywide transit system map
Plan your bus trip with Valley Metro's trip planner
Contact Valley Metro for trip planning assistance 602-253-5000, 602-251-2039 (TTY)
More information available here.