The form PDFs are designed to allow you to fill them out electronically. Your form will not be automatically saved or sent to the School unless you save it to your computer and email the form yourself.


To Submit a Form Please:


  • Fill form out completely
  • Save the form to your computer (to your desktop or a folder)
  • Attach the file and email it to the appropriate email address
Adult Scholarships


Scholarship applications are accepted and reviewed throughout the year and are awarded based on availability. Make sure to include ALL items required.


Be sure to add alternate choices, as quick turnaround scholarships do sometimes become available- if you are open to other workshops/classes other than your first three choices listed, please be sure to note these on your application or in the comments section online. Should an opening become available in one of those programs, you will be considered.


Scottsdale Artists’ School is able to award scholarships thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors.


SAS offers two types of Adult Scholarships. The Absolute Beginner Scholarship is for artists who are in the very beginning stages of their art education. The Regular Adult Scholarship is open to any level of student and is based on financial need or merit.


To submit a scholarship application you will need the following:



Applications by mail:

Scholarship Committee Scottsdale Artists’ School 

3720 N. Marshall Way Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Applications by email:

Email your application to the Scholarship Committee at (in the subject please label it Scholarship Application and your full name).




Youth Scholarships


Scottsdale Artists’ School believes art is something to be shared by all. Scholarships are offered for youth ages 6 to 18 and are awarded based on merit and financial need. You may submit via email and regular mail. Scholarship applications are accepted and reviewed throughout the year and are awarded based on availability. Scottsdale Artists’ School can award scholarships thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors.


Summer Camp Scholarships are available based on both need and merit. Scholarships for June camps must be submitted by May 15th and July scholarships must be submitted no later than June 15th. Once submitted, scholarships take approximately two weeks to process.


Applications by email:

 Download an application, complete it and email it to the Youth Scholarship Committee at (in the subject please label it Scholarship Application and your full name)


          Download Youth Scholarship Form




Youth Academy Forms

Students will NOT be allowed to attend workshops without a current Waiver of Liability/Medical Authorization, along with the Student Code of Conduct Agreement. These forms are available to download online and must be turned in to the instructor on the first day of class. Blank forms are available in the classroom if needed.




Instructor Application Form



Model Application Form 



For questions about modeling contact Athena Kelly at


Instructor Requests

Download Set Up Equipment Request Form 

Download Model Request Form (Workshops)

Download Model Request Form (Multi-Week Classes)

Download Plein Air Location Request Form

Download Clay Request Form

Download Artwork Loan Agreement Form


Applications by email:

 Download an application, complete it and email it to